Thursday, December 8, 2011

more rough draft for story

Not polished or finished at all, just more of my writing to work with for my story.

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The weather was beginning to get ruthlessly bitter. In Chicago, the fall months were unpredictable; extremely warm, or  extremely crippling cold weather. My short walk to the grocery store felt like it took hours rather than minutes; dragging on forever, forcing me to focus on my body temperature more than anything else. That walk changed my life for a lot of reasons. Some reasons, I didn’t know yet, but some I did. And one reason was that it reminded me that I really need to invest in a new winter coat. But the others; they put things into a whole new perspective for me - a perspective I didn’t even see until it was sitting at my feet.

I was approaching the last block before the market until I had to wait for the crosswalk signal. I waited, and waited, and waited. I waited for what felt like forever, which realistically only amounted to about a minute. I guess you could call me impatient. Finally, I began to cross to the next block and disobeyed the ‘law’, or what I like to call a ‘suggested signal’, which obviously was just suggesting that I should not cross when it told me not to cross.  But I did, and I was already anticipating the shock my body would feel as it escaped the frigid air, and suddenly met warmth. There I was: standing on the dirty city concrete, facing the green and red apartment-style store. I read the white cloth sign that hung just above the windows that read Millen Kane Family Grocery.

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